Upcoming Motus Events

We know that maintaining ones health is a journey and sometimes taking yourself out of your environment is necessary to see. That is why, we wholeheartedly believe that change, growth and healing happens outside of the office. We have cultivated a team of experts to guide you through an experience that helps you to reconnect with yourself and gives you clarity about what actions you can take in your day to day life. Whether you have been on your self care journey for years or just getting started or maybe you are just looking for a day of rest, we got you!

Motus Move Plaza Series

Join us for a FREE 60 min posture focused Motus Yoga class on the plaza @ 303 2nd St. Experience out our unique approach to movement and education. A class built to mobilize, strengthen and educate. Taught by movement experts in rehab, yoga, fitness and strength & conditioning.

November 10, 2021
12:00 pm

Motus Yearly Member Event


April 3, 2022
5:00 pm

Motus Yearly Retreat


April 21, 2022
5:00 pm